Sunday 2 October 2016


Most women of reproductive age have lost interest in sex as they often experience pains and discomfort during coitus. This boils down to unhygienic genital conditions exhibited by such women. For a better and active sex life and to keep in line with the idea that prevention is better and more cheaper than cure, it is pertinent to maintain adequate hygiene in order to avoid some discomfort during sexual intercourse and to keep the Vagina in a good condition as your Vagina needs nothing more than the very basics of care.

All women should be concerned about their vaginal health. A healthy Vagina is naturally acidic and contains rich quantities of beneficial bacteria that help fend off infections and maintain a normal pH level. A healthy Vagina will also secrete small amounts of discharge to keep itself clean, much as saliva is produced to help cleanse your mouth ;hence Vagina is a self-cleansing machine. Any interference with these normal conditions may result to Vagina irritation and infection.

When it comes to feminine hygiene, it's important for women of all ages to be very meticulous and consistent with maintaining the cleanliness of their genitalia. Maintaining feminine hygiene is important to your overall health because in addition to preventing odors, itching, and discomfort, practicing feminine hygiene can also prevent bacterial infection from occurring prio to a good sex life. In some cases bacterial infections may lead to sterility, disease, cancer, and other health problems. To maintain your feminine hygiene, you must bathe regularly, develop healthy habits in regards to your menstrual cycle, and wear fabrics that allow your Vagina region to breathe.


1.AVOID TIGHT PANTS, SHORTS OR PANTIES MADE FROM SYNTHETIC FABRICS AND REMOVE WET, SWEATY BOTTOM CLOTTING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: Certain types of fabrics and styles worn close to the genitals can increase heat and moisture, potentially leading to bacteria overgrowth infections. Wear cotton underwear during the day and avoid thongs. Try not to wear tight-fitting clothing, and endeavor to change out of wet swim-suit and sweaty work out clothes as quickly as possible because it can cause bacteria to multiply and increase your likelihood for getting infection.
To give your sexual organ the treatment it deserves, avoid tight pants, shorts or panties made from synthetic fabrics as these can reduce the air circulation around your Vagina and cause it to sweat;this can increase your chances for odors and infection which may endanger your sex life. Wear loose panties that allow for air circulation or that are made from natural, breathable fabric such as cotton. Also wear thigh-highs or pantyhose made with a cotton crotch to reduce the Vagina sweating caused by nylon and other synthetic fabrics.

2.WASH YOUR VAGINA WITH CLEAN WATER AND AVOID USE OF HARSH CLEANERS AND SOAP: As part of its function, your Vagina actually cleans itself by producing its own natural discharge as part of it self-cleaning process but despite the fact it's a self-cleaning machine, a good feminine hygiene should be exhibited. Washing your Vaginal region with Clean Water will help prevent your Vaginal region from becoming irritated or infected due to exposure from harsh chemicals found in antibacterial or astringent soaps.
Always rinse your Vagina with fresh water, then dry off immediately with Clean towel to prevent moisture build-up. Excessive washing or using harsh cleaners and soap makes the Vagina vulnerable to infections that cause odor or discomfort.
Always wash your Vagina area after sexual intercourse as body fluids and residue from condoms and other intimate products can cause infection, irritation and odor if not removed from your vaginal region following intercourse. Use of harsh soaps can also affect a healthy PH balance of the Vagina, thus should be avoided

3.WIPE YOUR GENITAL AREA THOROUGHLY: After bowel movement, wipe from front to back to avoid bacterial contamination of the Vagina and to lower the risk of bladder infection. This will help keep your Vagina area dry and clean throughout the day. Use soft, white, unscented toilet paper that does not contain dyes or other irritating chemicals. Wiping from front to back after experiencing a bowel movement will prevent fecal matter from coming into contact with your Vagina, which can cause bacterial infection.

4.CHANGE MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS FREQUENTLY: Menstrual products such as sanitary pads and tampons should be regularly changed during your period because when these menstrual products become soiled and are worn for long periods of time, they can cause you to experience foul odors and increase the risk of infection. Use menstrual products that do not contain scents or dyes, as these products contain chemicals that can be harmful to your health.

5.AVOID DOUCHING AND ALSO EAT A BALANCED DIET: Normally, Vagina PH is about 3.8 to 4.5. Douching  should be avoided as it can interfere with the Vagina's PH levels, reducing its acidity and setting the stage for bacterial infections. If your Vagina has strong or unpleasant odor ; a douche will only cover up the smell without curing the problem that's causing it. Also a balanced, nutritious diet and drinking plenty of fluids are key to Vagina and reproductive health. Infact, certain foods may be effective in treating vaginal health problems. Cranberry juice and yogurt and and can potentially help prevent yeast infections and aid in their treatment. Soy products also help in treating Vagina dryness as they contain a weak form of estrogen that can aid natural lubrication. 

6.PRACTICE SAFE SEX: Using condom during sex helps to protect against sexually transmitted disease such as HIV, genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts and chlamydia. Some of these diseases like HIV and genital herpes have no cure. And others like human papilomavirus that causes genital warts, are also known to cause cancer or lead to other diseases. Thus, condoms should be used and changed during sex as well as when switching from oral or anal sex to vaginal sex, to prevent the introduction of harmful bacteria into the Vagina. Avoid petroleum jell (like Vaseline) and other oil based products as the can cause latex in condom to breakdown and also might cause infection.

7.TREAT INFECTIONS WHEN THEY ARISE :three types of Vagina Infections are common :yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis. Yeast infections are caused by several types of fungi, while bacterial vaginosis is caused by bacteria overgrowth in the Vagina. Trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted. Treating these infections is crucial because not treating them can lead to unpleasant, painful, and serious reproductive health problems. All three can be treated with oral or topical medications.

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